Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Vivienne Westwood - DIY Clothing

“DIY! Don’t buy my clothes. Well, if you are rich or can afford a stylist, you can get me. But if not, do it yourself. My idea is that you can mix charity, vintage, Portobello Road, pieces of Ikat fabric; wrap it all around yourself, use a handkerchief as knickers, mix safety pins and jewelery. But above all do something! Be optimistic!”
- Vivienne Westwood

During this time of economic recession and we are finding it hard to afford clothing why not DIY your own clothing as it says more about yourself and does not make you look the same as everyone else – I couldn’t think of anything worse “Blending In”. It is more sustainable to the environment by recycling your old clothing instead of buying the cheap clothing from Primark wearing it once; look at it from a different prospective. Bleach old jeans or turn a shirt back to front! The possibilities are endless....think outside the box

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