Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Men’s Recycled Shirt Design (Maison de Moodie)

"Psycho Shirt" © - Maison de Moodie

I am into customising clothes at the moment, looking at things in a different way. Sustainability is something which I am very interested in. I do not believe in buying a piece of clothing and wearing it once – complete waste of money and cannot be done with the recession with our disposable income reduced. I bought these two shirts a while ago from the sale and never wore them. How can these two garments be worn together taking a classic shirt and creating a innovate design? Wearing it back to front makes it look more interesting. Cutting the back of the shirts off and sewing them together. The modern chic shirt, let’s face it there is only a few ways which a shirt can be worn and I have been getting bored.com!

Named the "Psycho Shirt" as it resembles a straight jacket when worn.

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