Saturday 12 May 2012

TANK Magazine (Volume 7 Issue 4 Spring 2012)

I have no idea what is up with me at the moment I keep on buying magazines! I am! So today my recent purchase coming back from work – TANK. I was just flicking through quickly and I took a quick picture of this poster (another thing that I am slightly obsessed with) that makes me think about attitudes to fashion, our identity, society, projection of our image and pressure. Fashion has a deeper meaning. It can help people to show confidence, project our image to say who we are or hide from, define a period or say something about an issue. Individuals are innovators the drivers of change sometimes misunderstood but have an impact on our world. But what the graphic is trying to get across is people are matching just to be the same.  Cant help but think that I can be down to a number of things and certain TV programs….At the moment personally I think fashion is very highly political due to what is happening in our government not only in the UK but all over the world.  

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